Are you punching below your weight?


I don’t need to tell you things are bad!

I’ve been trying to stay positive, but I gotta tell you “I’m as mad as hell!”

The US just declared the highest number of fatalities (2,800) in a single day since the beginning of COVID, and one of my loved ones, who after a year of chronic stress resulting in lupus, called “I’m going into hospital for a major back fusion”.

What the heck!?!?

I started going down the rabbit hole.

You know the one where we transport ourselves into a world of chaos, upset, angry and (in some instances) pigheaded about all the injustices in the world?

It was like watching a scene out of the matrix.

The bullets came flying and, just like Neo, I swiftly intervened..

“.. my response to what’s happening, says more about me then it does about what’s actually happening - so what’s going on with you, why are you so angry?”

What came next surprised me.

Simply put, 

I’ve been punching below my weight, afraid of making a mistake and (believe it or not) looking for evidence about why life’s so screwed up - as if it gets me off the hook for not taking the actions I know to take!

Fortunately, one of the things I have mastered is knowing that anger, for me, is an automatic response to one very simple thing: being afraid.

I’ve been confronted with so many decisions lately and quite frankly I got to the point where I just didn’t want to play anymore! 

I was afraid of making the wrong decision, so I buried my head in the sand (secretly) hoping it would all just go away.

Crazy right? Wrong!

Think about it. 

How many decisions are you dealing with right now?

Christmas, finances, relationships, family, friends, kids, holidays, career, business….

It's not easy.


What if it was simple?

The good news, it is simple and I come bearing the gifts.

Today is the release of the final episode in a 5 week series on ‘How to Make Hard Decisions Easy' with Paul Gordon, the CEO of Catalyze APAC and expert on decision thinking. 

Paul’s an expert on how to influence others in the decision making process when you have no explicit power. He's worked with senior learners in major federal government departments and large corporates across Australia, New Zealand and the UK facilitating hundreds of billions of dollars of value.

Download the entire series on iTunesSpotify or The Performance Code.

Thought of the Week:

“A leader is someone who causes and enables others to lead and fulfill their own potential. They are someone who is open, authentic and has the courage to say when they don’t have the answer”

Ignite Your Passion & Be A Leader

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  • Amplify the impact you have in the world? Book a call with me here - a conversation costs nothing, but worth a fortune.

  • Got a story to tell? Join me for a conversation on The Uncharted Leader Podcast- send an email with a link to your website, bio or LinkedIn profile.

One final note...

If you like a bit of humour and you're interested in "Punching above your weight" join me and get up out of your chair, go to the window, open the window and yell at the top of your lungs... "I'm Mad as Hell and I'm Not Going to Take it Anymore"...

Be sure to forward the email to the important people in your life - you just never know the difference you’ll be making in their business, leadership and life.

Have a remarkable week and, as always, be well,

Kylee x


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