When does Understanding our Values, Strengths & Purpose become Important?


What are your talents?

What do you value and what are your core strengths?

You’d like to think these were pretty standard questions when it comes to clarifying what makes us happy, satisfied and engaged; but unfortunately not and unfortunately its not until we get to the “engage” stage of the journey within an organisation that we’re delving into “Building Strengths and Purpose”

I appreciate this is not the case for everyone.

HOWEVER in my 20 years of leadership, I am yet to meet a single person, including those in senior and executive levels who are absolutely clear and confident about their own personal values, strengths, talents and purpose.

It seems a lot of work is done on personality profiles and leadership assessments, or indeed thanks to the work of Gallup, we’re seeing more people doing their strengths profiles - BUT - despite having done the assessments, when asked about their strengths, there is a disconnect in having done the work and being clear about it.

You may, at this point, be wondering, “what’s the point?”

Well, the simple answer: if we want to be happy in our job and life, and we want a job that aligns with what we care about, what’s important to us and one that aligns with our values, then valuing this work is the point.

"How are we ever going to put the right people, into the right roles at the right time, in the right place" if we're not clear about who we are - what are our core values, unique strengths and talents and what environment works best for us?”

Unfortunately, far too many of us make our decision to work a particular company based on the perceived value of the brand, money or status; only to discover 6mths, a year or two later it's not a great fit and we end up just another one of the statistics - 85% of people not engaged or actively disengaged at work.

If we’re ever going to reduce that number, and stop being a statistic, we must disrupt the entire ecosystem - in the meantime, change starts with each and everyone one of us doing the work.

Not sure where to start?

My number one piece of advice is to start simple and start small.

Thanks to a partnership with leading organisational psychologist and expert in the neuroscience of resilience - the access to enhancing satisfaction and wellbeing - we’re making the journey simply by suggesting you start with a small investment in the #1 resilience app Driven Resilience - an AI powered virtual coach that comes with a personalised assessment and report, video tutorials and activities to help you identify your goals and advance towards them despite adversity.

Simply download the app and when you complete the assessment enter the code TPC-COVD - you’ll get 50% off the first two months (paying as little as $6 per month) and 10% off every month thereafter (less than $10 per month) - giving you immediate access to your personalised report, the video tutorials and activities.

Get your personalised report to identify the key areas of resilience to advance despite adversity

Get your personalised report to identify the key areas of resilience to advance despite adversity

The best part - you get 100% clear about the specific areas and activities that would be best and most relevant to you - from any one of the six scientifically proven areas designed to improve resilience, wellbeing and satisfaction all while advancing towards our goals with clarity despite adversity…

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6 domains of resilience

Vision and Purpose

Composure & Stress Management

Reasoning & Decision Making

Health (Nutrition, Movement and Sleep)

Tenacity & Self-Motivation

Collaboration & Meaningful Connections.

If you need any help - don’t hesitate to reach out - book a no obligation chat with our Founder Kylee Stone here or send us a message online here.

We may not have any control over what’s happening in the world around us, and while it’s uncertain how much longer this will continue, we must do what we can to take control of those things we can control - and starting with our own sense of satisfaction and wellbeing is a great place to start.

Yours in good health,

Team Performance x


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